Commonly asked questions

Help! My subscription is not working after the purchase!

1. 99% of the time, this happens when you're not signed-in. Tap the avatar at the bottom of the screen and make sure you have an account.
2. If the issue persists, please email support -at- mindfulsuite.com and we'll fix it for you within 24 hours.

What's included in Pro membership?

  • Track more than 8 habits and 20 goals
  • Set rewards & inspirations for your goals
  • Store the full history of habit check-ins and performance analytics
  • More calm and beautiful colors
  • Priority support via email and Twitter

Upcoming Pro features:

  • Privacy lock
  • Apple watch app and Android widgets
  • Habit inspirations
  • Beige color scheme
  • Share your journey with accountability partners or the public

How to re-arrange goals, habits and mindsets?

1. Tap on your avatar
2. Under section 'Manage', choose 'Goals', 'Habits', or 'Mindsets'
3. In the list, hold and drag the items up and down, release when you are done
4. The list is automatically saved
5. Return to the home screen by tapping the back arrow on the top left corner

How to cancel my subscription?

Instruction for iOS

As of 2020, Apple doesn't provide a way for apps to let their users cancel subscriptions within the app. Please click on the following URL to go to your subscription management page to cancel your subscription.


Instruction for Android

We are adding the ability to cancel subscription within the app. Meanwhile please follow Google's instruction on how to cancel the subscription.


How to archive/delete a habit?

1. Tap on your avatar
2. Under section 'Manage', choose 'Habits'
3. In the list, slide the habit you would like to archive from right to the left
4. In the slide menu, tap on 'Archive'
5. (Optional) If you want to permanently delete a habit, tap on 'Archived' at the top of the screen, slide on the archived habit to permanently delete it. Note: You will loose all check-in data related to the habit.

How to delete your account?

1. Go to settings
2. Scroll to the bottom of the screen
3. Click on 'Delete my account and data'

This will delete all your personal data from our server. We keep backups of our database for 2 weeks. So after 2 weeks, your data will be deleted completely.

What differentiates Mindful Goals from other apps?

Core principle: save people's time

"Mindful Goals" is created to save people from wasting time on figuring out what to do. I've personally wasted months of time due to lack of motivation. I always had dreams growing up but they were kept in my notebooks and I don't review them regularly. Instead, I feel bored and frustrated about life when I have free time. Eventually I would remember important life goals that drive me and that kept me going again. Months of wasted time equals to tens of thousands dollars of lost opportunities.

While working at Twitter in 2014, I realized that what most social media companies optimize for is "how to waste more people's time", especially Facebook. Because I believe "Life = Time", I felt that wasting people's time is a crime, so I quit and decided to never join another social media company even though it used to be my dream to build a social network.

"Saving people's time" is also the most important intention I kept while designing "Mindful Goals". It is designed to be the opposite of social networks: use as little people's time as possible to get their goals completed. Therefore, I've aggressively removed any non-essential elements and vanity metrics to avoid wasting your precious time. What matters to me is your time and helping you achieve your goals.

World-class quality

"Mindful Goals" is meticulously designed with the same standard as other world-class utility products like Apple, Google, Uber & Spotify. Most other apps are created as side projects by hobbyist with amateurish quality, which are too unprofessional to use as a daily tool.

While working at famous public tech companies like TripAdvisor and Twitter, I've learned what it means to build world-class products, and where the quality standard is at. In this competitive world, only the top products will survive. I will not compromise for anything less than world-class because as a big user of "Mindful Goals" myself, any small UX issues will bug me for days until they are fixed.

Unwavering customer focus

While designing "Mindful Goals", I interviewed 30+ people on how they track long term goals. The suggestions I received were overwhelming and it was a painful process to find solutions between seemingly opposite suggestions and preferences. I am glad I didn't give in and ignore the feedback I didn't like because it was those hard questions that made "Mindful Goals" a product that I am proud of today.

Today, 80% of the features you see in Goals are from recommendations by our users.

I don't see myself as a builder or maker who makes whatever I want. I am a customer service representative who listens to your needs with the sincerest interest and provides a solution.

What inspired you to create Mindful Goals?

The idea of creating Mindful Goals has been brewed in my mind for over a decade. It all started in the last year of my college.

I did poorly in my Junior year of college because I lost track of the due dates of several important assignments. So at the beginning of my Senior year, I designed a simple prototype that helped me track my progress against the deadlines. I was able to better balance importance vs urgency. As a result my GPA went back up. It was my secret weapon.

Initially it seemed someone would solve this simple problem for me. However, I am still yet to find an app that solves this problem elegantly. I know what worked for me, so I'd like to turn the solution into a real product. I hope it can also empower others.

What books or schools of thought do you recommend?

I've read 50+ books over the last 6 years, trying to find answers to the many self-improvement questions I have.

At this moment, what worked for me can be summarized in 3 keywords: Growth, Abundance, and System.

Growth mindset is a cure to perfectionism which a lot of us struggle with when we are young. Perfectionism is one of the reasons why we gave up after we're half way done. When we realize that our work it's not going to be perfect, we get anxious and and discouraged. "Perfection is the enemy of good." A growth mindset helped me conquer the fear of failure. If I know I'll grow stronger, wiser, and more skilled tomorrow, then whatever perfection is to me today will become imperfect tomorrow. So I should not get discouraged by my limitations today. I learned it in a book called “Mindset” by Carol Dweck.

Abundance mindset. I learned this in “Sell or be sold” and “The science of getting rich”. One day, I realized that I couldn't really comprehend how vast the world is. There is enough resources for everyone. When I worry there is not enough for all, I become conservative, and only make insignificant moves. Not only did I fear failures, I was also afraid of success, because I felt success will not last long. So I get anxious when I feel I am about to succeed, and quit, while at the same time wonder why I never succeeded at anything. It's a paradox.

System. Don’t expect to learn one trick or change one thing to get the result we want. We need to connect all of our resources and energies to create the life we want. We want each activity in our lives to have a meaning and enhances other activities we do. Two exceptionally good books that teach designing systems are “Atomic habits” and “The miracle mornings”.

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